Lonely House Project
Lonely House is a decades long series of this little house (called Off Plum or Off Plumb depending on who you speak to) that overlooks Pleasant Point Landing in South Wellfleet, MA. Something about the way it juts into Blackfish Creek called to me a long time ago, the way is seems to cut into the water at high tide and refuses to sink into the mud at low tide. That call continues.
One thing that fascinates me about the house is that, despite adjoining a public landing, and existing on a street with 3 other houses within 25 yards it still seems isolated, separate, its own thing.
A few years ago, we (Katherine and I) discovered that it was the part time home of Annie Dillard, the extraordinary writer and Pulitzer prize winner (among so much else) Katherine suggested I put together a portfolio of postcards of The Lonely House to give to her. I printed them but, introvert that I am, I didn’t want to bring them to her. So Katherine did.
Annie had a response to that…”I’ve been married, I know. It’s always the wives who have to make it happen”
At least that is what Katherine says she said.
She also wrote me a note on her own note stationary that said…
”Robert! What wonderful pictures!
Thank you for your skill and generosity!
Your new fan -
Made me feel good.

”Robert! What wonderful pictures!
Thank you for your skill and generosity!
Your new fan -
(Annie Dillard, the extraordinary writer and Pulitzer prize winner and owner of the lonely house)